Women’s Health
Having a child was no easy matter. Like so many other women who struggle to get pregnant, I underwent a five-year fertility journey that included many rounds of IVF, many dollars down the drain, and many tears. And along the way, none of her health care providers offered any nutrition guidance other than “eat healthy”.
During this time, I realized how little accurate nutrition information is available for women, especially women who are pregnant, trying, or postpartum. After much disappointment and thousands of dollars down the tubes, I gave birth to a healthy baby girl, named Hannah. This experience inspired me to embark on a mission to sort through widespread misinformation and potentially harmful mainstream fads and supplements.
As I approach another inevitable season in her life (hello, peri menopause), I has a keen understanding of how nutrition can have a profound impact on all factors of health. And while I can support people who are at any stage of the life cycle, my heart gets very happy when I am presented with opportunities to support women by providing proper and accurate nutrition information and quality nutrition products.
A Passion For Supporting Women’s Health Through Nutrition
Lauren’s passion for women’s health is highlighted through her volunteer work with the Women’s Health Dietetic Practice Group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND), where she currently serves on the executive committee and holds a position with the Breastfeeding Advocacy and Policy Committee through the AND. In 2018, she was the recipient of the Emerging Leader in Women’s Health award by the AND, and in 2020 she was the recipient of the Outstanding Dietitian of the Year award by the Charleston-Trident Dietetic Association. Currently, she is on the Executive Leadership Team for the Go Red for Women Campaign of the American Heart Association - Charleston Chapter. She became a Certified Lactation Educator-Counselor through the University of California - San Diego in 2019.
Although Lauren’s main focus is women’s health, Lauren also understands the importance of male fertility. As Lauren says, “It takes two to tango.” Published in 2019, Fueling Male Fertility provides evidence-based and approachable information for men trying to conceive. Her first cookbook, The First Time Mom’s Pregnancy Cookbook, was published in 2021, and her second book The 7 Ingredient Healthy Pregnancy Cookbook went live later that same year.
Lauren’s areas of expertise include preconception prenatal, postpartum and fertility nutrition, lactation, infant nutrition/starting solids, pediatric nutrition, nutrition support during menopause/perimenopause.
Please note —- I do not do 1:1 counseling at the moment. Please reach out if you need a referral. For 20% off of medical-grade third-party supplements, visit my dispensary here.
Women’s Health-Related Work Examples
Nutrition Advisor and Supplement Formulation Consulting for Mega Food
Women’s Health guest lecturer and internship preceptor, Medical University of South Carolina
App Content Creator, Blog Author, and Nutrition Advisory for Juna.co app
Website Content Creator, Supplement Formulation Consulting, and Nutrition Advisory for Natalist
Nutrition Advisory and Blog Creation for OvulifeMD.com
Past Resident Nutrition Expert and Supplement Formulation for Nutraverve male prenatal
Past Nutrition Advisory for BabyKixx Squeezable Prenatal Vitamins
Ghostwriter for Nisus Life
Ghostwriter for ThruParenting.com
Content Creator for Baby Binto
App Content Creator and Ghostwriter for YoSperm
Nutrition and Breastfeeding Lecture and Handout Creator for Nutrition Masterclass
Blog Series Creator for The Tigerlilly Foundation. Special focus: cancer treatments, bone health, and nutrition
Author of book Fueling Male Fertility, and Co-Author of ebooks 50 Shades of Green: Smoothies For Fertility and Pregnancy, Avoiding Allergens While Breastfeeding, and Keto for Fertility
Contributor to POPSUGAR Family and POPSUGAR Fitness, covering topics including menstrual health, PCOS, management, pregnancy support, and more
Nutrition Speaker for Go Red for Women lecture series — American Heart Association of the Lowcountry
Spokesperson role for various women’s health-focused companies