This National Nutrition Month, Let's Not Forget To Feed The Parents
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The month of March brings us National Nutrition Month, a time dedicated to focusing on healthy eating habits. As a registered dietitian and a mom, I know all too well that while many of us are very happy learning the tips and tricks that can help our children eat a more healthful diet. But when it comes to our own nutrition, well, let’s just say that moms needs may fall to the wayside.
But the good news is there are some simple tricks that busy parents can keep up their sleeve that help keep their own bodies fueled and well nourished while they are caring for their little ones. In other words, there is a better way to make it through the day then living off of sandwich crusts and leftover chicken nuggets.
Here are some simple ways that busy parents can keep themselves nourished, even during the busiest of days.
1. Make yourself a sandwich when you are making one for your child.
Once you are already making a PB and J for your kiddo, why not make one for yourself too? What a concept, right? Grabbing two extra pieces of bread and slathering on some nut butter and jelly will take you an extra few seconds out of the day, but having a sandwich to nosh on will help you feel more energized and “with it” in the long run. Try and make your sandwich on whole grain bread and lean on natural nut butter for a better-for-you option.
2. Keep grown-up snacks on-hand
You surely are already loading up on goldfish, fruit pouches, and granola bars when you are making a grocery run. Once you are snagging snacks for your littles, load up on some options for yourself too.
Some grab-and-go snacks that can be added to your purse stash include:
- Bela Sun Luci Tomato Jerky for a boost of powerful antioxidants and 6 grams of both fiber and protein.
- A small bag of mixed nuts for heart-healthy fats and important minerals, like iron.
- Fresh fruit that can handle being on-the-go, like Envy apples which have a flesh that stays whiter longer.
3. Make a kid-friendly grazing board for all of you
What’s not to love about a grazing board? From the fun colors the boards offer to the opportunity to eat a variety of foods, grazing boards are loved by many.
When you are home with your kiddos, whip up a kid-friendly grazing board, made with a variety of fruits, veggies, cheeses, and anything else that offers both nutrition and fun. Both you and your kiddos will appreciate having nutrient-dense foods at your fingertips so you don’t become too hangry before dinnertime.
This National Nutrition Month, while you are taking care of your family and making sure everyone is fed and happy, don’t forget about your own needs when it comes to eating nutritious foods. While it is certainly easy to skip meals and healthy snacktime and instead lean on a combo of your children’s leftovers and coffee, your body will thank you if you include some nutrition into your busy day.
This post is a collaboration with Bella Sun Luci.